About Rainbow Center

For over 40 years our goal at Rainbow Center has been to provide a positive, safe, gentle learning environment, so children with developmental disabilities can develop self-esteem and improve their academic and coping skills when faced with daily challenges.

We provide a Day School for children ages 3-21, and a Day Hab for adults over the age of 21.

Our Day School

Our day school is for children ages 3-21 with developmental disabilities including; Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and behavioral deficits. The program features a small staff to student ratio (1:1 to 1:3) and an emphasis on self-esteem development within a culture of gentleness. Programming is individualized and directed by an Individual Education Plan for each student attending.

Helping our students be successful with daily programming is a high priority. Developing improved achievement and academic skills, enhancing social skills and improving self-esteem culminates with students that are able to transition back to a mainstream school environment. Having confidence and feeling good about oneself is one of the keys to success in the mainstream.

Our Day Habilitation

Rainbow Options I and II are the two Day Habilitation programs for adults over age 21 from the Eastern Jackson County area. Serving adults with developmental disabilities including Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and behavioral disabilities has been provided since 1996. The program features a small staff to client ratio (1:1 to 1:3) and an emphasis on self-esteem.

Community Access is an important part of each week’s activities. Programming is individualized and directed by an Individual Service Plan for each individual served. Successful integration of the Gentle Teaching techniques and strategies has been a wonderful benefit to all participating in programming. With the entire agency staff trained using the Gentle Teaching methods, a total environment representing a gentle culture is observed.